Customized Pharmacy And Nursing Services
Alliance affiliates provide specialty and community pharmacy services at locations across Western Canada. We are seeking partners in Ontario and Atlantic Canada. Alliance members provide customized pharmacy and nursing services, on contract to pharmaceutical manufacturers at locations across Canada. These services include:
- MD and RN outreach and networking
- Vaccine work-up
- Blood draws and lab monitoring
- Injections and Injection training
- PSP enrollment
- First dose clinic monitoring
- IV infusions
- Adherence monitoring

What Makes The Alliance Different?
Alliance pharmacies are independently-owned and not tied by ownership to other members. This allows pharmacies the freedom to tailor services to local MDs and patient needs, while still providing high-quality, standardized services under manufacturer contracts.
- Alliance pharmacies are NOT restricted by exclusive PSP contracts. Many specialty pharmacies are tied to exclusive contracts, and so only serve patients for one particular manufacturer or drug. This is not the model for Alliance pharmacies who will help patients manage transitions from one drug to another as their MD sees fit.
- Alliance pharmacies are known to local physicians, and actively engaged in their communities
- Alliance pharmacies will fill any prescription to serve a patient’s health needs. Alliance pharmacies believe that patients should know their pharmacy team and have regular access to them– and that a single pharmacy team should manage both specialty and general medications. Many specialty pharmacies do not operate this way.
What Makes The Alliance Different?

Frequently Asked Questions
Alliance members provide customized pharmacy and nursing services, on contract to pharmaceutical manufacturers at locations across Canada.
- Alliance pharmacies are independently-owned and not tied by ownership to other members
- Alliance pharmacies are NOT restricted by exclusive PSP contracts
- Alliance pharmacies are known to local physicians, and actively engaged in their communities
- Alliance pharmacies will fill any prescription to serve a patient’s health needs
Most specialty prescription drugs have manufacturer-funded programs called PSPs (short for Patient Support Program). These organizations can assist patients with financial support, referrals to laboratories, and other services which may be required as part of a drug’s protocol. Many PSPs will allow patients to choose their own pharmacy, which is a critical aspect of care. Not all pharmacies are equipped or trained to deal with all medications (e.g. IV infusions). The Alliance LocalRx group of pharmacies are capable of supporting all patient medication needs, regardless of how the medication is administered.
Alliance members utilize a central training platform and data management system. Our sites are linked by contracts which allows maintenance of quality and service standards, as required by manufacturers.
- Alliance pharmacies receive training on specialty medications, at initiation of any collaboration
- Alliance pharmacies work with the MD and PSP to simplify and de-stress the patient experience
- Alliance pharmacies can provide a single pharmacy point of contact, for IV, IM, SC, and oral meds, vaccines and OTC health options, through a knowledgeable pharmacy and nursing team
- Patients change medications – they shouldn’t have to change pharmacies to do so